Safeguarding Contacts
  1. Gary Brandon
    (Birmingham Welfare Officer)
    Mobile: (07956) 510-093
  2. Matthew Taylor
    (GKI Welfare Officer)
    Tel: (0118) 9706-943
    Mobile: (07766) 684-254
  3. Carly Barrett-Greening
    (GKI Supporting Contact)
    Mobile: (07850) 732-303

Training Times

Stirchley Baths Community Centre, 2-4 Bournville Lane, Stirchley, Birmingham B30 2JT


Adult all grades 7.00pm - 8.30pm (14+ yrs)


Children: Beginners - Orange belts 6.00pm - 7.00pm (5 + yrs)
Children: Green - Brown belts 7.15pm - 8.15pm

Weoley Hill Village Hall, Witherford Way, Weoley HIll, Birmingham B29 4AR


Children: Beginners - Orange belts 8.45am - 9.45am (5+ yrs)
Children: Green - Brown belts 9.55am - 10.55am
Adult all grades 11.00am - 12.30pm (14+ yrs)

Training fees

Fees (to commence from 1/06/2021)

As we are no longer taking payment by cash or cheque, all fees are to be made via regular monthly standing order only.

Please arrange your standing order payments to be made on one of the following dates each month - 30th 31st or 1st (no later)

Failure to pay on time may result in the student not being able to take part in the sessions.

Adults 1 class a week - £35 monthly, 2nd Adult £30

Adults 2 classes a week - £45 monthly, 2nd Adult £40

Child 1 class a week - £20 monthly, 2nd Child £15

Child 2 classes a week - £30 monthly, 2nd Child £25

Family Fee - where families of 1 adult and 2 (or more) children all train then the 2nd (and subsequent) child will be charged at half price.

Club bank detail given upon joining

Birmingham Goju Ryu academy runs for approximately 42 weeks of the year and ;closes during the following times:

  • 2 weeks over Christmas
  • 1 week Easter
  • There will be no classes from 1st August to 31st August.
  • instructor holiday