Safeguarding Contacts
  1. Gary Brandon
    (Birmingham Welfare Officer)
    Mobile: (07956) 510-093
  2. Matthew Taylor
    (GKI Welfare Officer)
    Tel: (0118) 9706-943
    Mobile: (07766) 684-254
  3. Carly Barrett-Greening
    (GKI Supporting Contact)
    Mobile: (07850) 732-303

Sequence of Karate Grades

The "coloured" belts represent "Kyu" grades, starting with the beginner 10th Kyu white belt. For children there are also intermediate levels between the Kyus, called "Mon" grades.

The "Mon" recognises progress made and encourages children forwards. They help maintain motivation in the gap between Kyus. Adults should be able to pass straight from one Kyu to the next.

The black belt levels are called "Dan", starting with 1st Dan (Shodan), 2nd Dan (Nidan), up to 10th Dan.

Gradings are done twice a year for adults and depending upon progress, can be done up to four times a year for children. The latter then enables progress through the "mon" grades. All grading's are dependant on regular attendance and/or at the sensei's discretion.

Belt Colour Grade Kata to learn
white belt 10th Kyu Beginner
yellow belt 9th Kyu Geki Sai Dai Ichi
orange belt 8th Kyu Geki Sai Dai Ichi + bunkai
green belt 7th Kyu Geki Sai Di Ni
blue belt 6th Kyu Geki Sai Dai Ni + bunkai
purple belt 5th Kyu Saifa
purple belt + 1 white stripe 4th Kyu Saifa + bunkai
Brown belt 3th Kyu Seiyunchin
Brown belt - 1 black stripe 2nd Kyu Seiyunchin+ bunkai
Brown belt - 2 black stripes 1st Kyu Shisochin
Black belt 1st Dan Shodan Shisochin + bunkai
Black belt 2nd Dan Nidan Sanseru + bunkai
Black belt 3rd Dan Sandan Sepei+ bunkai
Black belt 4th Dan Yondan Kururunfa + bunkai
Black belt 5th Dan Godan Seisan + bunkai
Black belt 6th Dan Rokudan Suparinpei + bunkai
Black belt 7th Dan Nanadan  
Black belt 8th Dan Hachidan  
Black belt 9th Dan Kudan  
Black belt 10th Dan Judan